We had our ultrasound on Friday and found out we are having little boy!! I am so excited, I wouldn't know what to do with a little girl and I am hoping that this little boy will look just like Nic so I can have a little mini Nic to hug and kiss.
I woke up today excited for the baby which I think is really the first time. I had a dream last night that he had been born and he was just so cute. Only in my dream he was perfect, smiley and didn't cry at all, so perhaps I will need a reality check before I actually have the baby.
My belly is definitely popping out, I cannot button the one pair of jeans I have that fit so I have resorted to the rubber band to hold my pants together. I just don't want to buy a bunch of maternity clothes, if I buy a bunch of winter clothes than when I get to summer I won't have anything to wear and seeing how my last month will be July I KNOW I am going to need summery things to wear. I am still getting by ok with what I have and really I don't know that I would fit into pregnancy pants just yet - its that akward inbetween time. Poor Nicholas doesn't have anything to wear either because I have resorted to wearing his clothes.
We made the move to Fergus on Friday (besides going to the doctor) and we are all settled in at Michelle's. Nic talked to Advance about the job opportunity and it sounds promising, we should be hearing back from them today. I am hoping to hear back from Tastefully Simple this week and we are going to be talking to a couple about renting a house they own hopefully today or tomorrow. So life is still in transition. Its really strange to have a whole week day to myself, I don't really know what to do with myself. I am filling out change of address forms and balancing the checkbook, our room is clean, there are groceries in the fridge and its only 11:30. So I think I will go to the library and check out a few books, clean the house and make some cookies. Life is strange without work, but good.
How To Propagate Succulents
1 week ago
1 comment:
Awww, I'm glad you're excited. And that everything is going well.
Thursday seems like it was so long ago, not just a few days.
You're going to have such a cute little boy. I'm so happy for you guys!!
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