
12 Weeks Tomorrow

I feel really bloated and still sick. I am still holding out slender hope that my sickness will magically disappear tomorrow. However I have a sneaking suspicion that I will be cursed for the next 38 weeks with feeling crappy and not enjoying food. Which worries me a little since I really don't feel like I am eating enough, but I don't because I don't feel good. What if the poor little baby isn't getting enough nutrition?

I think poor Nic is having a tough time right now. He has always had to take care of me emotionally (which is no small task) but now he has to take care of anything and everything else. If he wants clean clothes he has to nag me for several days and then take his clothes all wrinkled out of the the dryer where they have most likely have been sitting for a couple days. I don't make food so he has been subsisting on what I don't know and making me anything my heart desires. All in all I think its kind of draining for him. Before we both cared for the other one equally, I did all the things that made him feel taken care of and manly and he took care of all my emotional demands and neediness. Now poor Nic has double the emotional load AND I don't take care of him at all.
If you think of it say a little prayer for him.

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