
Saving Grace!

Yesterday I discovered the best thing ever. Sea-bands. In some leftover literature from the doctors office I found a list of things you can do/take for morning sickness. Sea-bands was recommended so I thought, why not give it a shot? Yesterday we went to Walgreens and bought these wonderful little bands. I feel 95% better, most of my morning sickness disappears when I wear them and whats left is mostly acid in my stomach (I think). Granted the pale blue knit band isn't exactly a great fashion accessorie but thankfully its winter, which means my long sleeves should always cover them.

I have been really bloated because I am pregnant and so my jeans are almost all uncomfortably tight. When you add uncomfortable clothes on top of morning sickness its pretty unbearable. So I decided I need to buy some fat jeans, because lets face it I can't wear sweats to work and we have a wedding this weekend so I don't want to look like a slob. So off to Plato's closet me and Nic went. Thankfully I found a pair of jeans that were just perfect and will hopefully last me through until the last couple of months when I am really big. And they are a size 4! I know I am not fat but being bloated for the last month has been no picnic so its a nice little pick-me-up to know my "fat" jeans are that small.

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